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Adult Performance Optimisation Program


If you are seeking an advantage, our Adult Performance Optimisation Program is targeted at enhancing your

  • Effort
  • Focus under pressure
  • Ability to achieve your short and long-term goals
  • Give you an advantage over opponents

Evidence base

At PSPC, we rely on firm evidence-based research to inform our practice. Once your needs assessment has been clearly established, we will start to address the primary areas of change through increasing your self-knowledge and self-awareness and develop your skills with cutting-edge science and easily applicable tools.


The program will be uniquely tailored to your needs using effective behaviour change methods for the results you want.

Real strategies for real results

We will give you honest feedback about your patterns; put great emphasis and effort into providing you with insight that leads to positive long-term performance enhancement, not just a short-term feel good impression of performance change.

Why we do, what we do

PSPC are two psychologists who are passionate about helping people excel. With a breadth of experience working with Olympic athletes, AFL players, touring professionals in golf tennis, triathlon, snowsports and a range of other sports and performance based disciplines. We collaborate and research with a range of professionals in allied health and sporting contexts and bring this information into our programs so that you can have effective strategies to enhance your performance.
