Individual Performance Enhancement
Here are some questions to ask yourself
- 1. Do you have trouble getting over your mistakes?
- 2. Are you experiencing a drop in performance that hasn't resolved itself?
- 3. Do you often lose to opponents who are weaker than you?
- 4. Is your training-self better than your competition-self?
- 5. Is 'choking under pressure' a problem for you?
- 6. Is there something blocking your path to success?
- 7. Have you recently had an injury that has affected your self-confidence?
Our programs are specifically tailored to your needs, empowering you and leading to consistent peak performance.
Whether you are an elite, amateur or aspiring athlete, we can help you achieve your goals.
Psychologists at PSPC have specialist training and experience in facilitating people through their journey to success.
Outline of Services for Individuals
- Initial Individual Consultation : An informed discussion to identify the barriers that impede you from reaching your goals.
- Subsequent Individual Consultations : Address your goals and enhance your performance through individualised techniques and strategies.
- Video Analysis : Psychological and behavioural analysis of video footage of your sporting competition.
- Psychological Profile : Discover the strengths and weaknesses in your mental approach to your sport.
- Competition or Training Observation : Psychological and behavioural analysis whilst in attendance at your sporting competition or training.
- Phone/Email/Skype Contact : Alternative and remote methods to ensure ongoing athlete support.
- Ongoing Training and Competition Coverage : Providing psychological preparation for training and/or competition, including observation of performance for analysis and feedback. This includes national or international locations in the event of tournaments or training.